Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Boston Marathon (UK) 2025
For 2025, the Boston Marathon Association will organise four events,
a Full Marathon, a Half Marathon, a 10km Run, and a 5km Fun Run,
to be held on Sunday 13th April 2025, starting times from 8am to 9am.
Only entrants registered through our booking agents ’Stuweb Race
Timing’ are permitted to run on the day.
Registration is not permitted on the day. It is a requirement of registration
that you agree to these ‘Terms and Conditions’.
Registration is open from June 2024 to 23rd March 2025 (midnight).
Entries made by this date will receive their race-pack by post to the
address registered (overseas entries excluded).
Registration will close earlier if numbers reach capacity, in which event a
‘waiting list’ will be opened.
Late entries may be possible up to 10th April subject to the availability of
the booking agents (StuWeb). Details will be published in early April.
Age and Maximum Distances for Road Running
These are the UKA Licence Standards minimum age for each event.
5km Fun Run - 11 years, 10km - 15 years, Half Marathon - 17 years, Full Marathon - 18 years.
Race-packs will be posted to the UK address from 23rd March 2025.
Overseas and late entrants will be able to collect their packs from either
the Meet and Greet event on the Saturday 12th April 2025 (details to be
published) or from Race Control on Sunday race day.
Replacement for lost or non-received race-packs may also be collected,
if notified by 10th April 2025.
Withdrawal of a registration may be made up to and including 23rd March 2025, with the option of a refund (less booking fee) or deferral to the 2026
event. Deferral is only permitted once, there is no refund following a deferment - the registration fee has been expended over the two events. Late bookings or withdrawals after 30th March 2025 may only request deferral.
No Transfer of Entry
It is not permitted to transfer your entry to another person; all entrants
must register and agreed these term and conditions. Under no
circumstances give your race number to anyone else. Amongst the
potential problems are issues of identification in the event of any
accident or injury. Any attempt to do so will result in immediate
disqualification of the individual(s) concerned and ejection from the
Reporting/Booking in
There is no requirement to report or book-in for the event provided you
are wearing your race number. This has an electronic chip attached
which will record your presence and commence your timing as you pass
though the start arch.
Travelling to the event
By signing up to take part in this event you accept complete
responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur while you are
travelling to or from the event, during the event, or on the premises of
the event unless caused by our negligence.
Personal health and fitness
You understand that participating in this event is potentially hazardous,
and you should not enter and participate unless you are medically able
and properly trained.
We recommend that you consult your doctor prior to undertaking training
for a marathon. It is your responsibility to make sure you are medically fit
and capable of running the Boston Marathon. We reserve the right, in
our absolute discretion, to stop any runner from taking part if we deem
him or her unfit to run, including mid-race removal from the course
where necessary.
All entrants shall be deemed to have made themselves familiar with and
agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the
authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the
Anti-Doping Rules.
Medical treatment while attending the Boston Marathon
By entering this event, you are confirming that should you require any
medical treatments during your attendance at the event, whether before,
during or after the actual run, they may be administered by the events’
official medically qualified personnel.
Animals are not permitted on the Boston Marathon course. We are
unable to allow guide dogs or other support animals.
Bikes, stilts, roller skates, skate boards, buggies, etc
Participants are not permitted to use any of the above or similar in the
event and those attempting to do so will be prohibited from starting and
may be forcibly removed from the course mid-race where necessary.
Likewise, anyone attempting to start or join the race in any outfit that we,
in our absolute discretion, deem unsuitable and/or dangerous to other
competitors or spectators, will not be allowed to start the event or, if on
the course, may be forcibly removed from the event.
Athletes with Disabilities (AWD)
We welcome athletes with disabilities. Ambulant runners are permitted to
be accompanied by a human guide where appropriate. No charge will
be made for the guide, who must be registered for insurance purposes.
Wheelchair racers will start separately from the mass start, and only
racing wheelchairs are allowed. Details are in the Inclusivity Policy
document in this information section.
Cancellation of the event
We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, to cancel, delay or
postpone the event due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances
outside of our reasonable control.
In such cases we will endeavour to inform participants as quickly as is
possible. Where the event has to be cancelled, delayed or postponed
due to circumstances outside of our reasonable control (including for the
avoidance of doubt due to adverse weather conditions or as a result of
instructions from the emergency services) we shall not be liable for any
inconvenience, expenses, costs, losses or damages suffered by
participants. Where the event has to be cancelled, delayed or postponed
due to circumstances that were within our reasonable control, our entire
liability in respect of any expenses, inconvenience, costs, losses or
damages suffered by you as a result will be limited to the entry price you
have paid to take part in the event, minus the booking administration fee.
Cancellation of entry
​The entry fee less booking charge is refundable until closing day (23rd March) after which you will be allowed to defer your entry to the following
Finisher pack
Those who finish the Boston Marathon will be entitled to a Finisher’s
Medal. All participants may receive a TShirt. Please do not ask for more
than one!
Use of Image
By taking part in the event you grant full and irrevocable permission to
us, as organisers of the Boston Marathon, and any third parties
authorised by us to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures,
website images, recordings or any other record of this event that may
include your image.
Collection and use of information
Your personal information will only be used by us and any appointed
third parties for purposes in connection with the event and any
subsequent events that we may organise or administer. By entering the
event you grant full and irrevocable permission for us to pass any
medical details you have given us to the medical teams operating on the
day of the event.
Race Numbers
The race number and colour you will be given relate to the event
entered. Please complete the relevant medical details on the back of the
race number if you have any medical condition or are taking any
medication(s). You are reminded that under no circumstances are you
allowed to transfer, sell or give your race number to someone else and
any attempt to do so will result in your entry being cancelled.
Music while running
For safety reasons you must not use any personal music playing device
which prevents you from hearing normal background (ambient) sounds
around you. Roads are not closed to traffic and for your own safety you
must be able to hear what is happening around you throughout the race.
Consequently headphones and in-ear speakers must not be worn. Only
bone conduction headsets which do not fit in the ears may be worn, and
these should be set at a volume that does not occlude ambient sounds.
You will be held strictly and solely liable if found to be responsible for
harm to yourself or any third party or parties or damage to any property
whether yours or that of a third party, as a result of your wearing any
personal music playing device in contradiction of this race rule.
Race Ejection
Boston Marathon Association reserve the right, in our absolute
discretion, to refuse to allow you to participate in the event either at the
start or to continue participation at any point along the route of the event,
should you be deemed to behave inappropriately or give cause for
concern that your continued participation may cause offence or injury to
yourself, any spectators or other competitors. This includes the wearing
of any clothing or visual messages that may cause offence. Failure to
comply with any instruction from race officials and marshals will result in
ejection from the race and may result in you being reported to the police.
Change of postal address, email address or telephone number(s)
If your postal address, email address or telephone number details
change, then you must log back on to the StuWeb booking site
If this is not done, we cannot guarantee that you will receive all race
Changes to race
The organizers may change the route of the marathon including start
and finish points in the event of an unforeseen situation. Every effort will
be made to maintain the authorised course measurement.
Participants accept that marathon running is only for persons with a high
degree of physical fitness and who have undertaken a lengthy and
appropriate training regime. It is your responsibility to seek appropriate
medical advice prior to participation. Participation in the event is entirely
at your own risk and by entering the event participants acknowledge that
we shall not be liable for death, injury, loss or damage arising from
participation in the event save to the extent that it is caused by our
Terms and Conditions agreed by registering.
 ​I agree to abide by UKA/Boston Marathon Association rules and
accept that this event is potentially hazardous.
ï‚· I am medically fit to participate in the event and understand that I
enter at my own risk and that the organisers shall not be held
responsible for any injury or illness that may be caused to myself as a
result of the event or for any property lost during the race.
ï‚· I also agree to notify the race organisers by email prior to the event if
my situation changes. I will write on the reverse of my race number
and emergency name and contact details for race day and any
medical conditions which the race organisers should be aware of.
ï‚· I agree not to wear headphones that exclude external sound during
the event,
ï‚· I will not carry a child during the event either in arms or a mobile
device (pushchair etc)
ï‚· I understand that the entry fee may be refundable until 23rd March after
which I understand that I may be allowed to defer my entry to the
following year, subject to a small administrative charge.
ï‚· I understand that I may not transfer my entry or race number to
another runner.
ï‚· I hereby give permission for the organisers and their associates to
use any recorded materials from this event.
ï‚· I have read the full terms and conditions on the organiser's website to which I agree.